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Father's Spotlight

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Meet Father Shaun Meeks.  He is the proud father of Isaiah (14), Aria (12), Havilland (12), Madelyn (3), and Violet Meeks (1) and amazing husband for 4 years to Mother Erica Meeks.  Father Shaun is a proud graduate of the University of Houston where he received his Bachelors in Computer Science.  


Father Shaun works as a Project Manager in Computer Information Technology and his a proud member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated.  In his spare time, he enjoys playing golf, mixing martinis, trying new restaurants, and spending time with his family.  In fact, he and Mother Erica just finished building their forever home and are settling in.


Father Meeks has enjoyed his time in South Belt Houston and supporting  our Fathers Auxiliary.  His favorite scripture is 1 Corinthians 13:11:  "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child. I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put way childish things."  Father Meeks, we are so grateful to have you and your wonderful family in the South Belt Houston Chapter.  Thank you for all that you do.

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Meet Father Damon Smith.  He is the proud father of McKinley (14) and Marley (12) and the amazing husband of Mother Nadia Smith for 15 years.  Father Damon is a proud graduate of Southern University where he received his Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Nursing.  


Father Damon has served selflessly on the frontlines as a nurse during the pandemic.  He is also a proud member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated.  In his spare time, he enjoys listening to music and reading and his favorite poem is "If" by Rudyard Kipling.


Father Damon has been a wonderful and supportive member of our Fathers Auxiliary.  Father Damon, we appreciate all you've done for the South Belt Houston Chapter!  

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